Monday, March 7, 2016

Solaris: Rename Oracle VM guest (LDOM)

This procedure is about renaming an Oracle VM for SPARC guest (LDOM) that means backup and restore.


There is no way to rename LDOM without rebooting.


Execute the following commands to backup configuration and delete the old LDOM:


#ldm list-constraints -x OLD_LDOM_NAME > NEW_LDOM_NAME.xml

#ldm stop OLD_LDOM_NAME

#ldm unbind OLD_LDOM_NAME

#ldm destroy OLD_LDOM_NAME


Edit the XML file and locate and change OLD_LDOM_NAME string to NEW_LDOM_NAME string as desired.




Execute the following commands to restore configuration and start the new LDOM with same configuration from the old LDOM:


#ldm add-domain -i NEW_LDOM_NAME.xml

#ldm bind NEW_LDOM_NAME

#ldm start NEW_LDOM_NAME


Where OLD_LDOM_NAME is the LDOM to change its name and NEW_LDOM_NAME is the new name as desired.


IMPORTANT: Put NEW_LDOM_NAME.xml file in a safe place to avoid any problem when restoring configuration of LDOM.

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